I've been using a variation of both methods and it's turned into a real mess. I'm assuming this Layout template has within it a Plan template as well and for every new project there is no reference to an other, older plan, and that plan template is opened from the Layout, renamed, as well as the Layout file to reflect the new project. current and I suppose this is actually done using a very similar 'Save As' whereby you take your existing template, update it and do a 'Save As' as the new template file(s). Both templates, it seems to me, need to be periodically updated to keep any new settings or Layout/Plan notes etc. Pretty slick and I use a bit of this and bit of that for my new Layouts and Plans.Īnother method, and apparently now advised by the folks at Chief, is to use a template for both Layout and Plan files. It gets 'Saved As' a new file and all current notes and Layout details get saved in this latest version of the Layout.

The same thing, in essence, happens to the Layout file. The SAM method brings forward an older, though recent, plan and then gets 'Saved As" another plan file and work on the new project begins with all of the newest Anno Sets, Layers Sets, and various settings that might have changed to one's liking from the last plan file. There are many ways to skin this cat, among them doing a 'Save As' also known as the 'Save As Method' or SAM (thanks Scott) and the other best known option is using templates for each Layout and Plan file.