Perform common cut-and-paste actions: While toolbar icons don’t appear for cutting-and-pasting text, right-click a document to display the corresponding pop-up menu or click Edit from the app menu and select the corresponding action.Alternatively, you can click Insert on the top menu and select Chart.

Insert charts: Insert a chart by clicking the Chart icon that appears at the top of the Pages app.Alternatively, you can click Insert on the top menu and select Table. Insert a table: Insert a table by clicking the Table icon that appears at the top of the Pages app.Use bullets and lists: Add bullets and lists using the Format toolbar, which appears to the right of the screen whenever you click the Format icon.Alternatively, you can click Format from the top menu and select Text. Adjust text alignment: As with changing font attributes, ensure you click the Format icon or select the text to adjust and click the Format icon to display the formatting window, which also lists text alignment options.Alternatively, you can click Format from the top menu and select Font. Change font attributes: Change fonts, font sizes, and styles by clicking the Format icon or highlighting the text you wish to change and confirming the Format icon is selected, which ensures the formatting Inspector menu appears on the program’s right side.Get up to speed on basic operations in Pages using this quick cheat sheet. The trick is knowing where commonly used functions are in Pages, as most users are understandably familiar with those functions’ locations within Microsoft Word. While the app appears simple, due to the lack of repetitive rows of icons and a dizzying array of options, it can fulfill most offices’ word processing needs ( Figure A). Load Pages and the first thing you’ll notice is the user interface is strikingly clean. Pages is a deceptively powerful word processing program. SEE: New equipment budget policy (Tech Pro Research) 1. If you’re new to Pages or you’re considering replacing your office’s Word dependency with Pages, here are three keys to maximizing your usage of Pages. Apple’s Pages is a free word processing tool whose iCloud integration and numerous features make it a worthy replacement for Microsoft Word, which would reduce your office’s tech expenses.